1. Mark Lutz “Learning Python”

Many experienced developers recommend starting to learn Python with this book, as it contains information that gives the most complete understanding of both the language and programming in general. Answers not only the question “how?”, but also “why?”.
- Not only theory, but also practice. The book is aimed at understanding and consolidating information, therefore, at the end of each chapter there are test questions on the material covered, and at the end of each part there are practical exercises for independent work.
- The book covers everything you need: object types, functions, modules, advanced tools. You can find answers to almost any Python-related question in it.
2. Eric Mathiz “Learning Python. Game programming, data visualization, web applications

An excellent book for those who are just beginning their acquaintance with Python, and perhaps the most recommended by foreign experts. The author clearly explains the basics of the language. The material is divided into two parts – theoretical and practical. It first explains important aspects of Python, and then asks you to apply what you’ve learned through exercises to create three projects.
- Consistency and accessibility of presentation. The author competently organizes the content of the book – from simple to complex.
- Practice. At the end of each part there are exercises for independent study of the material.
- Interesting projects. You won’t be bored: the tasks in the practical part will clearly show the different capabilities of the language.
3. Paul Barry “Learning Python Programming”

Paul Barry wrote a manual for people far from programming who are not yet accustomed to the terminology and specifics of the language in which many manuals are written. Moreover, the book contains humor and stories from life.
- An accessible and original presentation of the material, which not only helps you understand Python, but also keeps you from getting bored. The author worked in IT for a long time, and then became a teacher at an Irish university, so he knows how to explain complex things in simple language.
4. Al Sweigart “Automating routine tasks using Python. A practical guide for beginners

The manual is written in accessible language with step-by-step analysis of problems solved using Python. For example, the book describes even the most trivial ones, such as sending notifications by e-mail and reading files.
- Wide range of uses of the Python language. The author gives clear instructions that help simplify and automate various processes.
- Practical exercises. Like most authors, Al Sweigart offers assignments to help you learn the material better.
5. Michael Dawson “Programming in Python”

Michael Dawson offers an interesting format for language learning: he focuses on video game programming. The book clearly explains how to use Python to create games from simple to complex. “Learn to code while playing!” – the author calls, and it is difficult for him to refuse.
- Practice. The book provides the opportunity to immediately start programming, so after reading it you can create your own video games.
- Complexity. Even if you don’t plan to create games in the future, the book clearly explains how Python functions, so as you read, you can master the basics of the language and use it to solve various problems.