Secrets of Asian cooking: what we can learn from them

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Secrets of Asian cooking: what we can learn from them

Asian cuisine is considered one of the most diverse and delicious in the world. It is based on a philosophy of balance and harmony, which is manifested in the careful selection of ingredients and unique cooking techniques.

One of the key elements of Asian cuisine is the principle of using fresh and high-quality products. Thanks to this, Asian cuisine is rich not only in taste, but also in nutrients. In Chinese cuisine, for example, much attention is paid to vegetables and fruits, which complement and diversify the taste of dishes. The Japanese believe that food should not only be healthy, but also beautiful, which is reflected in the serving and decoration of dishes.

Cooking techniques play a special role in Asian cuisine. So, the Japanese invented sushi – a dish made from rice, vegetables and fish. Chinese cuisine often uses the techniques of steaming and frying at high temperatures in large quantities of oil, which gives dishes a unique taste and aroma.

Another secret of Asian cuisine is the use of spices. In Chinese cuisine, the most commonly used ingredients are ginger, garlic, scallions, and cumin, while in Japanese cuisine, seaweed and soy sauce are often used.

An important element of Asian cuisine is its philosophy. In Chinese cuisine, for example, food is considered medicine, and eating certain foods is associated with improved health and the prevention of disease.

Thus, Asian cuisine is not only a unique taste, but also a philosophy that helps a person maintain health and harmony.

Basic secrets of Asian cuisine

Marinating meat in soy sauce is one of the traditional methods of preparing meat dishes in Asian cuisine. This method allows you not only to give the dish an original taste and aroma, but also to make the meat softer and juicier.

One of the main secrets of soy sauce-based marinade is that the sauce contains natural enzymes that soften the meat and make it juicier. Moreover, soy sauce contains many beneficial substances such as proteins, iron, magnesium and B vitamins, making it a very valuable health product.

Preparing a soy sauce-based marinade is very simple and does not require much time. To do this, you need to take soy sauce, add various spices (for example, ginger, garlic, pepper), as well as sugar or honey to add sweetness. Then the meat is placed in the resulting marinade and left for several hours (from 3 to 12) so that the meat is saturated with the taste and aroma of the marinade.

In addition, soy sauce can be used not only for marinating meat, but also for vegetables, seafood and rice. This marinade will give dishes not only taste, but also a bright color, thanks to the content of natural dyes in the sauce.

Thus, marinating meat in soy sauce is not only a tasty, but also a healthy way to cook meat dishes. It allows you to keep the meat juicy and soft, as well as give the dish a unique taste and aroma.

Tenderizing meat with baking soda is another technique widely used in Asian cuisine. This method allows you to make the meat softer and juicier, as well as reduce the cooking time.

Baking soda is an alkaline product that has the ability to tenderize meat by breaking down collagen, the substance that makes meat tough. In addition, baking soda reduces the acidity of meat, which also helps tenderize it.

To soften meat with baking soda, you need to take a small amount of baking soda (usually 1-2 teaspoons) and mix it with a little water until you get a paste-like consistency. Then this mixture is applied to the surface of the meat and left for 15-20 minutes (depending on the thickness of the piece of meat). After this, the meat is thoroughly washed under cold water and kept in the marinade.

It’s important to remember that baking soda can change the taste and texture of meat, so don’t use it too often or in large quantities. It is also not recommended to use baking soda to tenderize premium meats, as it can damage the texture and flavor.

Thus, softening meat with soda is an effective method that allows you to reduce cooking time and make the meat softer and juicier. However, you should not abuse this method and you should always take into account the characteristics of a particular type of meat.

Another technique often used in Asian cooking is freezing meat before slicing. This method produces thinner, more even cuts of meat, which is especially important for dishes such as sushi, sashimi and other types of Japanese cuisine.

Freezing meat before slicing hardens it, resulting in thinner, more even slices. This is especially important for meats such as veal, beef or pork, which need to be cut very thin.

To freeze meat before slicing, it is usually placed in the freezer for several hours until it is frozen well enough. The meat is then removed from the freezer and allowed to come to room temperature before slicing.

It’s important to remember that freezing meat can change its texture and flavor, so this method is not suitable for all types of meat. Also, do not freeze meat for too long, as this may damage its quality.

Thus, freezing meat before slicing is an effective method that produces thinner, more even pieces of meat, which is especially important for preparing Japanese dishes. However, you should not abuse this method and you should always take into account the characteristics of a particular type of meat.

While freezing meat before slicing is a common practice in Asian cuisine, frozen vegetables, on the contrary, are rarely used. This is because freezing can damage the texture and flavor of vegetables, which can affect the quality of the dish.

Instead of frozen vegetables, they prefer to use fresh vegetables, which in most cases are cut and cooked just before serving. This allows you to retain the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients, as well as preserve the fresh and natural taste of vegetables.

In addition, fresh vegetables allow you to get brighter and juicier dishes, as they have a richer taste and aroma than frozen ones.

It is also important to remember that not all vegetables are suitable for freezing. For example, cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuces are not recommended to be frozen as they may lose their texture and become too soft.

Thus, fresh vegetables are an integral part of Asian cuisine and are cut and cooked just before serving. Frozen vegetables are rarely used, as they can damage the structure and taste of the product, as well as deteriorate the quality of the dish.

In Asian cuisine , chopsticks are an integral part of the cooking process, being used not only as cutlery, but also for various other purposes. For example, they can be used to stir ingredients in a frying pan or pan, to crack eggs, to tenderize meat, and to cut vegetables and fruits.

Chopsticks are a convenient tool for cutting vegetables, as they allow you to obtain thinner and even slices, which is important for preparing dishes where vegetables play an important role. Also, using chopsticks, you can mix the ingredients in a dish more thoroughly, which promotes even distribution of taste and aroma.

In addition, chopsticks can be used to create various decorative elements in dishes. For example, with their help you can easily create beautiful patterns on the surface of a dish or decorate it with vegetable flowers.

It is also important to note that the use of chopsticks in Asian cuisine has its own cultural and historical significance. This is a traditional way of eating that symbolizes respect for food and respect for elders. The use of chopsticks in Asian cooking is not just a practical tool, but also part of a cultural heritage that is passed down from generation to generation.

Asian cuisine can surprise us with its approach to ingredients – it uses in food what others are used to throwing away. For example, egg shells, chicken feet, cartilage and bones of meat, entrails of fish and seafood.

This is because Asian cuisine is based on using all parts of the food so that nothing is wasted or goes to waste. This approach is not only economical, but also allows you to obtain a richer taste and aroma of dishes.

Egg shells are used to make egg dishes such as egg soup or egg noodles. Chicken feet can be used to make a gelatin-rich broth, which is the base for many Asian dishes. The cartilage and bones of the meat are used to create flavorful broths and sauces. The innards of fish and seafood can be used to create shrimp and fish sauces, which are key ingredients in many Asian dishes.

This approach to using ingredients is an important part of Asian food culture and reflects respect for food and nature. Asian cuisine has taught us to appreciate every part of the product and use it for the benefit of our health and taste pleasure.

One of the characteristic features of Asian cuisine is the speed of preparation of dishes, including soups. Asians have learned to quickly and deliciously cook soups in a few minutes, using a minimum of ingredients.

Asian soup usually uses broth, which can be obtained from the bones of meat, fish or vegetables. The broth does not need to boil for a long time; just 10-15 minutes are enough for it to become saturated with taste and aroma. Then vegetables, seafood or meat are added to the broth, which are cooked for just a few minutes.

An important factor is the correct cutting of the ingredients – vegetables are cut finely, and meat – into thin strips or cubes, so that it cooks faster. The soup can be supplemented with various sauces, spices and herbs, which are added in the last minutes of cooking.

This approach allows you to quickly and tasty prepare soups that will not only warm you up in cold weather, but also saturate your body with useful substances. As a result, Asian soups are becoming popular all over the world due to their speed, convenience and taste.

Asian cuisine often uses the technique of preserving the color of vegetables by adding sugar during cooking. This not only gives bright color to the vegetables, but also preserves their vitamins and nutrients. Sugar also helps soften the taste of bitter vegetables such as broccoli or eggplant, making them more palatable. Thus, adding sugar is an important element in Asian cooking that helps create tastier and healthier dishes.

Sesame oil is one of the main ingredients in Asian cuisine, used as a flavoring agent in various dishes. It has a bright nutty taste and aroma, which allows you to add an original flavor to dishes. Sesame oil is used in the preparation of sauces, salad dressings, and as an additive to meat, fish and vegetables. It is also rich in healthy fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins, making it an important component in a healthy diet. In addition, sesame oil enhances the flavor and aroma of other spices, which helps create a richer flavor in dishes.

Thus, Asian cuisine offers a variety of delicious and healthy dishes that can form the basis for a healthy and varied diet.

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