My name is Gertrude Taylor, I am a professional digital marketer with more than 8 years of experience. I want to share with you my knowledge and skills in developing a business of any size on the Internet or acquiring a new profession in the digital sphere. Over the course of my career, I have learned a lot from working on different projects. I also learned a lot from people who shared their experiences with me. Therefore, I am ready to share my knowledge with you, teach and help others grow their business online or develop new marketing skills for a future role in the company. I invite you to join me in developing new digital marketing skills!
Welcome to the course Synergy of copywriting and website promotion
Welcome to the course The Profession of an SEO Specialist from Scratch
Welcome to the course Effective Copywriting for Marketers: Mastery of Words
Welcome to the Social Media and Content Marketing course
Welcome to the Copywriting Mastery: Creating Great Articles and Texts course