Just as there are many human languages, there are many programming languages that programmers can use. The part of the language that a computer can understand is called “binary”. Translating a programming language into binary code is called “compiling”. Every language, from C to Python, has its own distinctive features, although there are common features in many cases.
There are dozens of programming languages used in the industry today. We have collected reviews of the most important, relevant and popular languages.
Python is an advanced programming language that is interpreted, object-oriented, and based on flexible and robust semantics.
Python allows you to quickly integrate systems as a scripting or glue language. It is also suitable for Rapid Application Development (RAD). Civilization 4 has all its internal logic, including AI, implemented in Python. NASA uses Python in its Integrated Planning System as its standard scripting language.
Python was developed in the late 1980s at CWI in the Netherlands and first released to the public in 1991.
Devshed Network (Python Programming Forum)
Java is an object-oriented, high-level, general-purpose programming language with several features that make it ideal for web development.
Java is used to develop enterprise level applications for video games and mobile applications, as well as to create web applications using JSP (Java Server Pages). When used on the Internet, Java allows applets to be downloaded and used through the browser, which can then perform a function that is not normally available.
Programs that use or are written in Java include Adobe Creative Suite, Eclipse, Lotus Notes, Minecraft, and OpenOffice. Java is the main framework for Android application development.
Originally known as Oak, Java was developed in 1990 at Sun Microsystems to add capabilities to the C++ language. It was designed according to the WORA (Write Once Run Anywhere) principle. The language was released to the public in 1995 and is currently owned by Oracle.
Ruby is an open-source, object-oriented scripting language that can be used independently or as part of the Ruby on Rails web framework.
Ruby is used for modeling, 3D modeling, and information management and tracking. Basecamp, Amazon, Twitter and Groupon were built using Ruby on Rails. NASA uses Ruby to conduct simulations.
Created in 1995, Ruby’s creator called it “simple on the outside, but inside it is very complex, just like our human body.
HTML is a standard markup language used to create web pages; it ensures that text and images are formatted correctly (using tags) so that Internet browsers can display them as they were intended to appear.
HTML is used to create electronic documents (pages) that are displayed on the Internet. Visit any page and you’ll see an example of HTML in action. The variety and complexity of the structure and appearance of modern websites is made possible by HTML.
HTML was created by physicist Tim Berners-Lee in 1990 to allow scientists to share documents online. Prior to this, all messages were sent in plain text. HTML made “rich” text (i.e. text formatting and visual images) possible.
JavaScript is a client-side programming language that runs inside the client browser and processes commands on the computer rather than on the server. It is usually placed in an HTML or ASP file. Despite its name, JavaScript is not related to Java.
JavaScript is used primarily in web development to manipulate various page elements and make them more dynamic, including scrolling capabilities, creating a calendar, and other tasks that cannot be accomplished using plain HTML. It can also be used to create games and APIs.
UK agency Cyber-Duck uses open APIs built with JavaScript to collect crime data and allows users to browse local areas. Tweetmap, created by Pete Smart and Rob Hawkes using JavaScript, is a map of the world that is proportionally measured according to the number of tweets.
JavaScript was developed by Netscape and was originally known as LiveScript before becoming JavaScript in 1995.
The C language is a structure-oriented, middle-level programming language primarily used for developing low-level applications.
The C language is used to develop system applications that are integrated into operating systems such as Windows, UNIX and Linux, as well as embedded programs. Applications include graphics packages, word processors, spreadsheets, operating system development, database systems, compilers and assemblers, network drivers, and interpreters.
Facebook’s TAO systems are primarily programmed in C. Most device drivers are still developed using C.
The C language was developed in 1972 at Bell Labs specifically for the implementation of the UNIX system. This eventually spawned many advanced programming languages, including C++, Java, C#, JavaScript, and Pearl.