About Course
The main goal of this practical course of exercises is to increase your self-esteem and confidence in any communication situation, including during public speaking!
Course Content
Practical exercises only
Vowel sounds – how to pronounce correctly?
Sayings on vowel sounds. Training speech technique
Consonant sounds – how to pronounce correctly?
Sayings on consonants. We train speech technique. Words starting with voiced P
How to Yawn Properly to Train Your Confidence and Release Stiffness
Words with stressed syllables, vowels and consonants
Correct breathing exercises
02 2023 Addition 1 Breathing
Breathing exercise 33 Egorki
We warm up our lips, warm up our speech apparatus
02 2023 Addition 1 Muscle warm-up
Finding and developing our resonators for speech
Easy and useful training of registers and presentation
Training facial expressions and confidence in front of the mirror
Achieving intonation flexibility
Warm-up using gestures Basic level
We train the necessary gestures for liberation with voice and delivery
Tongue twisters Intonation Diction
Actively slap your lips for good diction. I show you how
Exercise on types of speeches
Practicing strong words of confidence in context
Let’s practice real actions in your communication
Reading the news like announcers
Reading scripts like actors
Demo 2 Introduction before exercises 02
The importance of Gestures We practice, watch and practice
We study technical methods of persuasion
Learning persuasion techniques from stand-up comedians
Learning important techniques of confidence and presentation in speech
Developing persuasive behavior and presentation
Learning to communicate and react to your interlocutor in the right way
Developing thinking and logic
Practicing analytical thinking
New information about theses and opinions. Truth and lie
Trying ourselves as a ring announcer
Mechanisms and methods of answering in interviews
Learning to speak new languages
Learning to speak new languages part 2
Getting rid of constipation in words
Structure of a Persuasive Speech
Connecting thoughts and articulation
Voice actor. Igor Taradaikin. Learning from the master
Voice actor. Image commercial
Voice actor. Murder of Gucci
Voice actor. Radio announcers. Male and female voice
Voice actor. Joker Phoenix
Voice actor. Announcer voice of advertising
Voice actor. Rock 1
Voice actor. Rock 2
Voice actor. Konstantin
Voice actor. Why for children
English Parliament. Learning to debate and speak
Ben Malla and JTBD
Promo video is voiced in English
TV advertising. Let’s voice it correctly
We follow the commentator. Difficult but interesting
Voice over an article from Wikipedia
Developing a command voice
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