Python Flask from scratch. Implementing CRUD operations in a web application

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Python Flask from scratch. Implementing CRUD operations in a web application

About Course

Have you ever wanted to know how powerful Python is when it comes to web development? Then this course is for you.

This course has been designed to help you learn how to create web applications using the Flask framework for Python. You will be provided with the most practical implementation of Python and Flask.

No water. Flask is a Python micro-framework that is used to create web applications. By “micro-framework” we do not limit the capabilities of Flask.

Flask is equally good for both large and small applications. This course will teach you Flask from the very beginning, covering more advanced topics where you will finally create a blogging application using Flask.

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What Will You Learn?

  • You will learn how to create a web server using Flask.
  • You will understand how the Internet really works
  • Performing Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations on a MySQL database
  • You will learn how to use a YAML file to store and retrieve configuration settings using PyYAML
  • You will learn how to connect your application to a MySQL database using flask-mysqldb
  • You will learn to use the Jinja2 Flask template engine
  • You'll learn how to add simple CSS styles to your application using flask-bootstrap
  • Submitting a custom form via an HTTP POST request
  • You will learn how to hash sensitive information submitted by a user
  • You will understand the difference between an HTTP GET request and an HTTP POST request
  • Integrate CKEditor into your blog application using flask-ckeditor
  • You will learn how to handle user sessions

Course Content

Introduction and course structure

  • Introduction
  • IMPORTANT! FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
  • Course Overview

How WEB works

Installation of tools

Flask application structure

Using the Jinja 2 engine

Using Bootstrap in an application

Using a Database in an Application

HTTP requests and status codes

Submit Form Project

Some features of the Flask application

Final project – creating a blog

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