About Course
Python is the simplest programming language in the world. But at the same time, Python is a powerful tool with which you can solve a huge range of different tasks, from file processing to machine learning, data processing, creating games and creating web applications.
Thus, having learned Python, you can choose a profession from a wide range of vacancies, or use Python to create your own applications and solve your own problems.
This course includes many practice problems as well as self-paced problems.
Python is an object-oriented programming language.
Python is also a language with a lot of features, but in order to KNOW how to write Python code, you need to UNDERSTAND the key concepts of Python.
What Will You Learn?
- You will learn the basic principles of Python and study all the main functions that are used most often in real projects and are most in demand
- You will practice all the examples that I will show throughout the course using the Python interpreter, Visual Studio Code with Code Runner
- You will learn the basic functionality of Python, ranging from variables, lists, dictionaries to classes, loops, modules and creating virtual environments
- In addition, you will learn to use functional and object-oriented approaches to programming in Python
Course Content
Introduction to Python
Introduction to Python
Join the community of like-minded people!
How to take the course
Where to Run and Write Python Code
Installing Python
Installing and configuring the Visual Studio Code editor
Installing the VS Code editor
Getting started in VS Code
Changing VS Code Editor Settings
Introducing the Python Interpreter
Code execution in Visual Studio Code
Installing PyCharm
Installing and using PyCharm
Basic Concepts in Python
The most important thing in Python
Basic types in Python
Practice using the interactive Python interpreter
Built-in Functions in Python
Built-in functions
Dir function and object attributes
Practice – Print and dir builtins
Practice – Built-in input function and string methods
Code Formatting and PEP8
Indentation in Python
Formatting Python and PEP8 code
Comments in Python
Expressions and instructions
Declaring Variables and Assigning Values to Them
Types and Data Structures
Dynamic typing
Types and Data Structures
Variables and objects
Built-in id function
Practice – Built-in id function and objects
Strings – str
Practice – Strings
Built-in String Functions and Methods
Practice – String Methods
Integers and Other Numbers in Python
Integers – int
Practice – Integers
Numbers with a decimal point – float
Complex numbers – complex
Boolean type
Boolean type – bool
Practice – Boolean type
Magic methods
Type conversion
Practice – Introduction to Magical Techniques
Magic methods
List Methods
Miscellaneous list operations
Copying lists
Practice – Lists
TASKS – Lists
Dictionaries – dict
Changing and deleting values in dictionaries
Using Variables in Dictionaries
Dictionary length
Non-existent keys and get method
Dictionary summary
Practice – Dictionaries
Practice – Copying a dictionary
Practice – Converting other meanings into a dictionary
TASK – Dictionaries
SOLUTION – Dictionaries
Tuples – tuple
Tuple Methods
Practice – Tuples
Practice – Checking for Unordered Sets
Mutable objects in sets
Practice – Sets
Set Methods
Practice – Set Methods
Practice – Symmetrical difference in sets
Practice – Ranges
Sequence Type Comparison
Zip function
Built-in zip function
Convert zip to dict
Changing Objects in Python
Changing Objects in Python
Behavior of Mutable Objects
How to avoid altering copies
Practice – Making shallow and full copies
Shortest function and pass
Passing immutable objects to a function
Passing mutable objects to a function
How to avoid changing external objects in a function
TASK – Functions
SOLUTION – Functions
Function Arguments
Function Arguments
Combining all arguments into a tuple in a function
Keyword Arguments
Combining named arguments into a dictionary
TASKS – Named function arguments
SOLUTIONS – Named Function Arguments
Default Function Settings
Default Function Parameter Values
Practice – Default Parameter Values
Callback functions
Callback functions
Practice – Callback functions
How to work with functions
Rules for working with functions
Function documentation docstring
Variable life cycle
The global keyword in functions
Practice – Global and local variables
Operators and magic methods
Dir function
Binary and unary operators
Operators in, not in
Operator priority
TASK – Operators
SOLUTION – Operators
False values
Logical operators
Logical operators
Short circuit operators or and and
Practice – Logical operators
Unpacking dictionaries
Dictionary unpacking operator
Merging dictionaries
Del instruction
Del instruction
Concatenating Strings
Concatenating Strings
Formatting strings with f-strings
Practice – Joining strings using +
Practice – f-strings
Lambda functions
Lambda functions
Practice – Lambda functions
Error processing
Error processing
Getting error information
Different types of errors in different blocks except
Else and finally blocks in error handling
No error type and Exception class
Creating errors
TASK – Error Handling
SOLUTION – Error Handling
Unpacking lists and tuples
Unpacking lists and tuples
Dictionary unpacking into named arguments
Unpacking a list into positional arguments
Conditional if statements
Conditional instructions
If statement
If else statement
If elif statement
Using if in functions
TASK – Conditional instructions
SOLUTION – Conditional statements
Ternary operator
Ternary operator
Practice – Ternary operator
PROBLEMS – Ternary operator
SOLUTIONS – Ternary operator
For in loop
For in loop
Practice – for in loop
Iterate over keys with values in a dictionary
For in loop for sets
TASKS – For in loop
SOLUTIONS – For in loop
SOLUTION – Built-in filter function
While loop
While loop
Using continue in loops
TASK – while loop
SOLUTION – While loop
Shortened for in loop
Shortened for in loop
Examples with shortened for in loop
Practice – shortened for in loop
TASKS – Abbreviated for in loop
SOLUTIONS – Shortened for in loop
Generators in abbreviated form for in
Practice – generators
Objects and classes
Objects and classes
Practice – Creating Class Instances
Magic class method __init__
Practice – Objects with their own attributes
TASK – Classes and Instances
SOLUTION – Classes and Instances
Instance and class methods
Static class methods
Class attributes
Magic methods in classes
Magic methods in classes
Inheritance from other classes
Practice – Creating Subclasses
Practice – Modules
What are __main__ and __name__
Built-in modules
Creating packages
Convert JSON to Dictionary
Practice – JSON
Working with files
Working with files
Methods of the Path class
Practice – Working with paths to files and directories
Reading and writing files
Practice – Writing and reading files
Practice – Deleting files
TASK – Writing and reading files
SOLUTION – Writing and reading files
Working with zip archives
Creating a zip archive
Practice – Unpacking a zip archive
Working with CSV files
Working with CSV files
Practice – Reading from CSV files
Working with dates and times
Datetime module
Practice – Formatting Dates
Using the timedelta class
Time module
Modules for working with numbers
Random module
Secrets module for generating passwords
Math module
Recursive functions
Working with Regular Expressions
Module for regular expressions re
Saving a pattern in a separate object
Validating email using regular expression
TASK – Password verification
SOLUTION – Password check
Sending an email
Sending email using the smtplib module
Compose and send email
HTML templates for sending email
Sending attachments to email
Working with a SQLite database
SQLite3 module and database creation
Practice – Writing data to a SQLite table
Practice – Reading data from a SQLite table
Other built-in modules
Array module
Function Arguments and the sys Module
Webbrowser module
Virtual Environments, PIP and Pipenv
PIP Package Manager
Virtual Environments and Pipenv
Creating a virtual environment
Pipfile and Pipfile.lock files
Using packages in a virtual environment
Installing additional packages in a virtual environment
Package tree and package update
Introduction to the Django web framework
Django Project Overview
Final version of the Django project
Introduction to Django and the MVC pattern
Installing Django
Creating a Django Project
Creating a new Django project
Starting the Django Server
Selecting a virtual environment in VS Code
Django Project Files
Django Project Settings Overview
WSGI and ASGI Settings
Other Django project settings
Routing settings in a Django project
Creating a Django Application
Creating a Django Application
Difference between project and applications
Browse Application Files
Creating a View Function
Linking a view function to a route
Adding Application Routes to Project Routes
Checking application availability in the web interface
Database and migrations in Django
Applying database migrations
Creating an administrator account
Creating Models
Changing the list of installed applications
Creating Migrations
Applying the created migrations
Changing models
Create a category using a model
Creating courses in a category
Connecting models in the admin panel
Adding __str__ Magic Method to Models
Displaying course titles on a web page
Creating Templates in Django
Creating an HTML Template
Using Data from a Database in a Template
Communication between layers in Django applications
Connecting the Bootstrap style library
Creating a Basic HTML Template
Adding a generic navigation block
Routing between pages in Django
Adding a route for one course
Creating a View Function for a Course Page
Create a template for a course page
Checking an Individual Course Page
Displaying a 404 page if the course is not in the database
Setting up routing between pages
Routing using route names
Routing using application names and routes
Transferring templates to a shared folder
Wrapping up the Shop app
Creating an API Service in Django
Creating an api application
Creating models for the api application
Setting up routing for the api application
Checking the operation of the API service
Adding an API version
Installing Postman
Setting up authentication and authorization for the API
Creating an API key
Deleting a course via API
Create a new course using POST
Changing data before sending it to clients via API
Django Project Summary
Summing up the application api
API application refactoring
Moving the store to the main page
Changing the Admin Panel
Summarizing the entire Django project
Making Games with Pygame
Introduction to Pygame
Final version of the Pygame project
Launching a game and events in Pygame
Changing the background color in the game
Adding and moving objects in Pygame
Adding a rectangle in game
TASK – Place a rectangle in the center of the screen
SOLUTION – Place the rectangle in the center of the screen
Moving a rectangle using the keyboard buttons
Move a rectangle within the screen only
Summary of the rectangle game
Creating a shooter game with Pygame
Demonstration of a shooter game
Adding a ship to the screen
Move the ship left and right
Continuous movement of the ship while pressing the key
Adding a ball on the screen
Move and hide the ball
Displaying an alien in the game
Adding a game loss
Logic in Pygame games
Ball hitting an alien
Alien acceleration
Adding a hit counter
Summing up the creation of the game
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