About Course
JavaScript is THE most important programming language you need to learn as a web developer, and by taking this course you won’t miss a single thing you need to know as a JavaScript developer!
Why is this JavaScript course right for you? This is the newest and most comprehensive JavaScript course that will take you from JavaScript basics to advanced levels to ace your interview and become a professional developer.
You’ll learn modern JavaScript from the very beginning, step-by-step, with practical and interesting code examples, important theory about how JavaScript works under the hood, and plenty of hands-on assignments.
This course contains topics for beginners, intermediate and even advanced levels. Not only will you learn the JavaScript language, but you will also learn how to solve problems, learn how to structure and organize code.
What Will You Learn?
- Become an advanced, confident and modern JavaScript developer from scratch
- Learn the basics of JavaScript and any programming language: variables, logic, conditionals, loops, functions, arrays, objects, etc.
- Be ready to go by understanding how JavaScript actually works under the hood
- Learn to think and work like a developer: problem solving, research, workflows
- You will practice a lot
- Learn to debugging your code
- Learn to style web pages using JavaScript
- Learn the basics of HTML & CSS
- Learn to manipulate DOM elements using JavaScript
- Create 5 beautiful projects for your portfolio
- Learn how to think and work like a developer: problem solving, research, workflows
- Learn the basics of modern React
- And much more!
Course Content
IMPORTANT! FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
Notes on assignments
JavaScript Basics
What is JavaScript?
Installing VS Code. Windows
Installing VS Code. Mac
Ways to Use JavaScript
Variables. Comments
let and const
Data types
Type Conversion
Operations with numbers
Template strings
Task “Questionnaire”
Comparison Operators
Operator precedence
Abbreviated form of recording operators
Task “Excess weight”
If Else Statement
Truthy and Falsy meanings
Boolean logic
Switch Statement
Statements & Expressions
JavaScript versions
Strict Mode
Array Methods
Lesson draft
00:00 -
Objects. Dot vs Bracket Notation
Object Methods
For loop
Loops and Arrays
Break & Continue
Iterate in reverse order. Loop within a Loop
While loop
Required Developer Skills
Code for the entire section
Setting up VS Code
Setting up Development Environment
How to Learn Programming
Think Like a Programmer
Searching for information on the Internet
Debugging code using the console and breakpoints
Crash Course HTML & CSS
Code for the entire section
Web page structure. Basic html elements
Attributes, class, id
Styling with CSS
CSS Box Model
DOM Basics
Code for the entire section
Project No. 1. Guess the Number!
What is DOM?
Element Manipulation
Events & Event Handlers
Implementation of logic
Modifying CSS Using JavaScript
Challenge – start the game over
Best result
Code refactoring
How JavaScript Works – Looking Under the Hood
Code for the entire section
JavaScript Overview
JavaScript engine
Execution Context & Call Stack
Scope & Scope Chain
Scope in practice
Variable Environment. Hoisting & TDZ
Variable Environment. Hoisting & TDZ in practice
Keyword this
Data Structures And Strings In Modern JavaScript
Code for the entire section
Destructuring Arrays
Destructuring Objects
Spread operator
Rest Pattern and Rest Parameters
Calculation of Logical Expressions Using a Short-Circuit Evaluation
Nullish Coalescing – Null Coalescing Operator
Loops and Arrays. Loop for
Improved Object Literals
Optional Chaining
Loops and Objects
Which Data Structure Should You Use?
More About Features
Code for the entire section
Default Options
Passing Arguments. Values vs Links
First Class Functions vs Higher Order Functions
Functions Receiving Callback Functions
Functions Returning Functions
Call() and apply() methods
Bind() method
Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)
More Examples About Closures
Working With Arrays
Code for the entire section
Simple Array Methods
Iterating Arrays Using a forEach Loop
forEach With Map And Set
Project No. 4. Application “Simply Bank”
Creating DOM Elements
Data Transformation: map(), filter(), reduce()
Map() method
Nicknames calculation
Filter() method
Reduce() method
Displaying the balance in the application
Method Chaining
Method Chaining In Application
Find() method
Implementation of Login
Implementation of Transfers
FindIndex() method
Some() and every() methods
Loan Request
Flat() and flatMap() methods
Sorting Arrays
Sorting Transactions in the Application
Other Ways to Create and Fill Arrays
Array.from() in a web application
Which Method Should I Use?
Array Methods in Practice
Numbers, Dates, Timers
Code for the entire section
Converting And Validating Numbers
Working with Math
We make changes to the Application
Operator Remainder
Using the Remainder Operator in the Application
Working with Dates
Adding Dates to the Application
Internationalization of Dates
Internationalization of Numbers
Internationalizing Numbers in an Application
Implementation of Countdown