About Course
Typescript is a “superset” of Javascript. This means that if you already know Javascript, you are ready to take this course.
Typescript adds several important features to Javascript, including the type system. This type system is intended to help you catch bugs at design time, not at runtime.
This means you’ll be twice as productive by spotting bugs earlier in development. But beyond the type system, Typescript also provides several tools for structuring large codebases and writing truly reusable code. Learning Typescript just by reading the documentation is not easy.
While you may know what a “typed array” or “interface” is, the documentation doesn’t show you where to use these functions or how to use them effectively. The goal of this course is to help you understand why each Typescript feature exists and exactly where to use them. Leading companies are eagerly awaiting Typescript developers.
Some of the largest web applications today are built using Typescript. Employers struggle to find engineers fluent in this advanced system.
A good knowledge of Typescript will make you much more employable by giving you unique skills that few other engineers have.
What Will You Learn?
- Master design patterns for building large applications
- Understand composition and inheritance and when to use them
- Learn to reuse code based on classes and interfaces
- Learn to put together reusable templates for your own Typescript projects
Course Content
IMPORTANT! FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
Introduction to TypeScript
A quick tour of TypeScript
Installing the development environment
First application
Running TypeScript code
Small code change
Finding errors with TypeScript
Finding even more bugs!
What is a type system?
Course Overview
More about types
Examples of types
Where are types used
Project files
Type annotations in action
Type Annotations and Type Inference
Variable Annotations
Correcting ‘any’ type’
Lazy initialization
When type inference doesn’t work
Project files
Annotations for functions and objects
More about function annotations
Type inference for functions
Annotations for different kinds of functions
Void & Never
Annotations for objects
Project files
Typed Arrays
Arrays in TypeScript
What are arrays used for in TypeScript?
Arrays with values of different types
When to use typed arrays?
Project files
Tuples in TypeScript
Tuples in TypeScript
Tuples in action
What are they for?
Project files
Interfaces are the most important part of TypeScript
Long type annotations
Correcting long annotations using interfaces
Interface syntax
Functions in interfaces
Reusing Code Using Interfaces
Interface plan
Project files
Creating functionality using classes
Inheritance Basics
Object Method Modifiers
Fields in classes
Fields and inheritance
Where classes are used
Project files
Using Design Patterns in TypeScript
Brief overview of the application
Running an application using Parcel
Project structure
Random Data Generation
Type Definition Files
Using Type Definition Files
Export to TypeScript
Creating the Company class
Restricting access using interfaces
Implicit type checking
Show pop-ups
Updating an Interface Definition
Adding the implements keyword
Let’s sum it up
Project files
More about Design Patterns in TypeScript
Brief overview of the application
TypeScript compiler configuration
Simultaneous compilation and execution of code
Simple sorting algorithm
Class Sorter()
Implementation of sorting
Two problems
TypeScript is really smart
Type protection
Integrating the sort() method
Problems with inheritance
Abstract classes
Why use abstract classes?
Solving all problems with abstract classes
Interfaces vs Abstract Classes
Project files
Reusable code
Brief overview of the project
Setting up the project structure
CSV file
Type definition files again
Reading CSV files
Data analysis
Loss of data context
Using Enums
When to use Enums
Extracting logic for reading CSV data
Data types
Data transformation
Update Reader links
Inheritance vs Composition
More about Inheritance vs Composition
A very common misunderstanding of the concept of composition
Let’s move on
Composition-based approach
Let’s sum it up
Project files
Advanced Generics
More about Generics
Type Inference and Generics
Functions and Generics
Generic Constraints
Project files
Express & TypeScript
TypeScript & JS libraries
Application overview
Setting up the project structure
Create in Express Root Route
Creating a session
login & logout
Route Protected
Tighter integration of TS & Express
Classes & Prototypes
Project files
Decorators and Properties
More about decorators
Project files
Express & TypeScript – Advanced
Important Note
Project overview
Why is this difficult?
Solution Overview
Metadata Basics
Practical example with metadata
Let’s start refactoring
Get decorator
Project results
Project files
React / Redux & TypeScript
Overview of React and Redux
Application overview
Creating an application
Simple Component
Interfaces & Props
Processing Component State
Unclear component state
Functional components
Installing Redux
Action Creators & TypeScript
ActionTypes Enum
Type Guard in Reducers
Binding deleteTodo Action
Type definition files again
Load Tracking Using Component State
Project results
Project files