About Course
Are you ready to start your journey to become a Data Scientist? Data Scientist is one of the most suitable professions to thrive in this century. It is digital, programming-oriented and analytical. Therefore, it is not surprising that the demand for data analysts in the labor market is growing.
However, the supply was very limited. It is difficult to obtain the skills needed to work as a data scientist. And how to do this? Universities have been slow to create dedicated data science programs. (Not to mention the existing ones are very expensive and time consuming)
Most online courses focus on a specific topic, and it’s difficult to understand how the skills they teach fit into the big picture. This comprehensive course will be your guide to learning how to harness the power of Python to analyze data, create beautiful visualizations, and use powerful machine learning algorithms!
This course is suitable for everyone – beginners with no programming experience, those with some programming experience, and experienced developers looking to learn Data Science! You’ll learn to program in Python, create amazing data visualizations, and use machine learning with Python!
Course Content
IMPORTANT! FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
Notes on assignments