About Course
Become a Python programmer and learn one of the most in-demand skills in modern development!
This is the most comprehensive yet simple course on the Python programming language! Whether you’ve never programmed before, whether you already know the basic syntax, or if you want to learn about Python’s advanced features, this course is for you!
In this course, we will learn programming in Python 3. This course is designed for beginners who have never programmed before, as well as existing programmers who want to expand their career opportunities by learning Python. The fact is that Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world – huge companies like Google use it in mission-critical applications like Google Search.
Python is the number one language for machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence. To get that high-paying job, you need expert knowledge of Python, and that’s what you’ll get from this course.
What Will You Learn?
- Gain a fundamental understanding of the Python programming language
- Get Python Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Skills on Your Resume
- Understand complex topics like decorators, timestamp, etc.
- Acquire the necessary Python skills to move into specific industries - machine learning, data science, etc.
- Data types
- Indexing & Slicing
- Formatting strings
- Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, Sets
- List, Dictionary and Set Comprehension
- Nested Loops
- *args. **kwargs.
- Lambda expressions
- Multiple inheritance
- Method Resolution Order (MRO)
- Modules and packages
- File I/O
- @wraps
- Testing
- Test Driven Development (TDD)
Course Content
IMPORTANT! FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
Notes on assignments
Installation of tools. Windows
Installing Python
Assignment for the lecture “Installing IntelliJ IDEA” for Windows
Installing IntelliJ IDEA
Python Basics
Hello world!
Displaying text on screen
Data types
Numbers. int & float
Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions
Creating Variables
Working with Strings
Lines. Indexing & Slicing
Indexing & Slicing
String properties. Methods
String properties. Methods
Formatting strings
Formatting strings
Notes on the lecture “Booleans. Comparison Operators”
Booleans. Comparison Operators
Booleans. Comparison Operators
Logical operators
Conditional statement if elif else
Conditional statement if elif else
For loop
For loop
While loop
Some frequently used functions and operators
List Comprehension
List Comprehension
Dictionary and Set Comprehension
Nested Loops
Nested Lists
Functions. Introduction
Creating Functions
Creating Functions
*args. **kwargs.
*args. **kwargs.
Lambda expressions
Variable Scope
Object-oriented programming (OOP)
Object-oriented programming (OOP). Introduction
Class Methods
Inheritance. Polymorphism
Inheritance. Polymorphism
Multiple inheritance
Method Resolution Order (MRO)
Special (magic) methods
Special (magic) methods
Modules and packages
Built-in modules
Built-in modules
Creating your own modules
Creating your own modules
External modules
__name__ and ‘__main__’
File I/O
Reading text files
Writing text files
Binary number system
Writing binary files
Pickle module
Shelve module
Working with data using the shelve module
Updating data using the shelve module
Converting a dictionary to a shelve object
Error processing
Types of errors
Calling errors
try except
else finally
Iterators and generators
Iterable & iterator
Custom iterable
Generator functions
Day of the week generator
Infinite Generators
Infinite number square generator
Generator expressions