About Course
Have you ever wanted to know how computers are programmed? Have you tried to learn, but got discouraged but too much maths, too much technology, too much studying? This course will explain everything from scratch, step by step and idea by idea, and you won’t need anything but the four basic operations. (Psst! Actually you don’t even need division.)
You’re going to discover what makes a computer tick, how these machines are programmed, and what are the secrets that enable programmers to get along with them — all in short, easy and synthesised video lectures. The course begins at an absolute zero, and will guide you all the way to using a modern programming language, called Ruby.
All this is taught using presentation, animations, videos of wires and coloured lights, playing card games and imagination exercises about people from different universes. There’s one single assignment at the end, and you’ll also find a few resources to help you on your way.
After completing this course you’ll be able to carry on by yourself, or choose a more advanced course, without any fear that you’ll get bogged down in strange or scary concepts!
This is the English translation of a successful course that I’ve been teaching for many years. There are students of this course who today have rewarding careers as programmers. You can have one, too!
Course Content
What will we learn?
Why programming?
The author
Course structure