About Course
SOLID is an acronym that stands for SRP, OCP, LSP, ISP and DIP.
These five acronyms, in turn, stand for: The Single Responsibility Principle The Open Closed Principle The Liskov Substitution Principle The Interface Segregation Principle
The Dependency Inversion Principle In this course, you will learn how to apply SOLID and meta principles to ensure your application lives a long, healthy life. This means that you will learn to write quality code that is readable, extensible, and reliable.
Improve your knowledge of object-oriented programming Understand the meta-principles on which all other development principles are based Learn to understand the symptoms of defects in code Learn the basics of the SOLID principles Learn how to detect violations of the SOLID principles and how to solve problems. Learn how the meta principles and SOLID principles relate to each other and how to find a balance between them
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