About Course
This course is suitable for everyone – both those who want to become a professional in Android application development and those who just want to do it as a hobby and earn good money from it – no programming experience is required. We will study in detail and analyze all the intricacies of Android development necessary to start a career. If you want to – learn how to create any applications for Android – publish your application on Google Play and earn money from it – become a professional Android developer, start your career on any freelance platform and work from anywhere in the world – change your profession to one of the most in demand in the modern world, then you have chosen the right direction!
What Will You Learn?
- You will learn how to work in Android Studio
- You will learn how to develop XML markup and user interface for Android applications
- You will learn the basics of Java as well as more advanced topics including OOP
- You will learn how to work with audio, video and images.
- You will learn about Material Design elements such as RecyclerView, CardView, etc.
- You'll learn how to store different types of data in different ways.
- You will learn how to work with Room Persistence Library.
- You will learn how to retrieve data from the Internet
- You will learn to use libraries such as Volley, Glide, Picasso
- You will learn how to create messenger applications using Firebase - such as Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram
- You will learn to use the Google Location API
- You will learn to use the Google Maps API
- You will learn how to create a taxi app using Firebase - Uber clone
- You will learn how to create Android apps using best practices
- You will learn how to create games for Android
- You will learn how to work with Jetpack components for Android
Course Content
Introduction to the course
Android studio
Introduction to Android Studio
Installing Android Studio. Window
Installing Android Studio. MacOS
Install Android Studio. Troubleshooting.
Assignment for the lecture “Overview of Android Studio”
Android Studio Review
Run the application on the emulator
Launch the application on your phone
XML layout. TextView and ImageView
The power of text and image management
Text view
Types of species
Introduction to XML
XML element
XML layout. ViewGroups
Let’s order viewings!
ViewGroup types
LinearLayout task. Solution
Java Basics
Introduction to Java
What are variables?
Do you like bugs?
Using variables in an application. Debugging
The Secret of Making a Decision
If the application
If the operator is in the application
Lists in programming
Array and list of arrays
Switching Application. Code refactoring
Loops – why are they needed?
While the cycle
Classes and objects in simple words
Classes and objects. The solution of the problem
Using classes in an application
Intention. Start a new activity
Customizing the appearance of the order. Task
Customizing the appearance of the order. Solution
Introduction to Intentions
Implicit intent. Send order by email
Finishing touches
Working with images, audio and video
Working with images. Animation
Working with images. Animation
Working with images. Animation. The solution of the problem
Types of Animation
Types of Animation
Types of animation. The solution of the problem
Types of animation. Project files
Using video in apps
Using sound in applications
Controlling sound with SeekBar
Vector images
Music player. Create Layout Task
Music player. Project files
Access modifiers. Variable Scope
Overloading methods and constructors
Overloading methods and constructors
Casting type
Static and final modifiers
Inner classes
Inner classes
Static inner classes
Local classes
Anonymous classes
Abstract classes
oOP output
Material Design – RecyclerView and CardView
Design and material?
Material Design
View the list. Part 1
View the list. Part 2
View list
View the list. The solution of the problem
View the list. Project files
Note on RecyclerView and CardView. Part 1′ lecture
RecyclerView and CardView. Part 1
RecyclerView and CardView. Part 2
RecyclerView and CardView. Part 3
RecyclerView and CardView. Project files
Saving data
Data store
Saving data
What do you know about the life cycle?
Activity life cycle
Saving data in onSaveInstanceState()
on restart()
General settings
What time is it now?
Cool Timer app. Using Timers
Cool timer layout challenge
Cool timer layout challenge. Solution
Introducing PreferenceFragment
Notes on the lecture “Creating a PreferenceFragment”
Creating a PreferenceFragment
preference list
Preference List Summary
Try to catch a block
He is a preferential change listener
Cool Timer app. Project files
Introduction to Databases
Database “Cars”. Part 1
Database “Cars”. Part 2
Database “Cars”. Part 3
Database “Cars”. Part 4
Note on the Cars database. Part 5′ lecture
Database “Cars”. Part 5
Database “Cars”. Part 6
Notes to the lecture “Car Database. Project Files”
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