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8 books for programmers, improve technical and soft skills

We have collected literature in one collection for both beginners in IT and experienced programmers, which will help to improve the base, expand knowledge in the field of mathematics and ML, teach you how to pass interviews and “survive” in the office. Computer Science Distilled: Learn the Art of Solving Computational Problems A short and

SEO copywriting: a key element of website optimization and promotion

Of course, the most important stage in website promotion is filling the resource with voluminous text material optimized for specific search words and phrases. Currently, competition between sites of the same topic on the Internet has reached its peak. Websites rise and fall, and this is a constant struggle, which creates favorable conditions for the

WordPress Database Optimization

Your WordPress site can be slow for a variety of reasons, including a bloated database running in the background. To solve this problem, professional WordPress maintenance includes regular database optimization. This allows you to remove unnecessary data, as well as correct errors and inconsistencies in the database. Optimizing your WordPress database does not require any

Frontend 5 Tips for Effective Study

Learning Frontend is difficult. This field is growing rapidly, and it’s easy to get lost in the dozens of frameworks, libraries, and tools. To grow as a front-end developer, you must strip away the unnecessary stuff and focus on what matters. 1. Make a plan You know your goal: to become the best front-end developer.

How to develop an effective website design

The success of any website is determined not only by its visual design, but by its usefulness and ease of use. A user-centered design approach is the standard for creating a successful website.  Clear purpose Satisfying the needs and desires of users is what a good website is all about. You need to ask yourself

Guide to programming languages.

Just as there are many human languages, there are many programming languages that programmers can use. The part of the language that a computer can understand is called “binary”. Translating a programming language into binary code is called “compiling”. Every language, from C to Python, has its own distinctive features, although there are common features

10 most popular programming languages according to GitHub

According to GitHub’s annual State of the Octoverse report , 2020 was an unusual year that changed the way many developers work. Since GitHub was founded in 2008 and acquired by Microsoft in 2018, it has become the largest source code repository in the world, connecting more than 56 million developers worldwide. Its scope allows it to track

Top 10 JavaScript Books

JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic and interpreted programming language. It is widely used for developing dynamic web pages, web applications and mobile applications. With its versatility and wide range of applications, it is important to have a strong understanding of the language. Reading books is a great way to deepen your knowledge and improve your

Password hashing: How to keep your database secure.

Hash algorithms are one-way functions. They take any string and turn it into a fixed-length fingerprint that cannot be reversed. This means that if your data in your database is compromised, a hacker will not be able to obtain user passwords if they have been well hashed.  Websites using hashing typically have a workflow like