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8 books for programmers, improve technical and soft skills

We have collected literature in one collection for both beginners in IT and experienced programmers, which will help to improve the base, expand knowledge in the field of mathematics and ML, teach you how to pass interviews and “survive” in the office. Computer Science Distilled: Learn the Art of Solving Computational Problems A short and

What is UX strategy for websites and digital products

What is a UX strategy in simple words: UX strategy is a systematic approach to the development of a design solution: both a specific application and all contact points and lines of communication of the company – all value exchange chains (and their links) between the company and clients. What is the value of UX strategy

How to develop an effective website design

The success of any website is determined not only by its visual design, but by its usefulness and ease of use. A user-centered design approach is the standard for creating a successful website.  Clear purpose Satisfying the needs and desires of users is what a good website is all about. You need to ask yourself

Guide to programming languages.

Just as there are many human languages, there are many programming languages that programmers can use. The part of the language that a computer can understand is called “binary”. Translating a programming language into binary code is called “compiling”. Every language, from C to Python, has its own distinctive features, although there are common features

Why are operators useful?

Why do some developers love operators so much? For mathematicians, operators are important to their thinking. Take a simple operation, like adding two numbers, and try to learn some of its behavior.    Equation (1) expresses the law that addition is commutative. This is usually written using the operator, making it more concise:    This

10 most popular programming languages according to GitHub

According to GitHub’s annual State of the Octoverse report , 2020 was an unusual year that changed the way many developers work. Since GitHub was founded in 2008 and acquired by Microsoft in 2018, it has become the largest source code repository in the world, connecting more than 56 million developers worldwide. Its scope allows it to track

TOP 10 books for UX/UI designers

Psychological Impact of Color in User Interface (UI/UX)

Color is considered the most important visual experience for humans. Every time we open our eyes, our visual receptors are constantly stimulated by optical stimuli. Color is a powerful carrier of information that is used to support the overall human cognitive system. By using the right combination and arrangement of colors, you can evoke positive

Databases step by step guide how and why to learn