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Goodbye fatigue! Effective lifehacks for a cheerful working day after a sleepless night

Without a doubt, the lack of a full night’s sleep significantly affects our well-being and performance. But, unfortunately, sometimes this happens. Before you had time to relax, a thunderstorm began outside, the neighbors started a noisy party, and you found yourself in an emergency situation at work. Bottom line – you spent the whole night

The role of business analytics in increasing company efficiency: main tasks and advantages

Business analytics is an integral part of business planning, development and control in any company. Today, many organizations understand that in order to make the right management decisions it is necessary to have a high-quality analytical base. Business analysts professionally work with large amounts of data, understand it and analyze it to answer questions related

Business analytics: a young but promising profession with great demand in the labor market

Business analytics is one of the most promising professions in the modern world. Due to the wide range of tasks that business analysts solve, their services are in demand in many sectors of the economy. Business analysts help companies evolve and improve their performance and adapt to changing market conditions. They collect data, analyze it

Guide to programming languages.

Just as there are many human languages, there are many programming languages that programmers can use. The part of the language that a computer can understand is called “binary”. Translating a programming language into binary code is called “compiling”. Every language, from C to Python, has its own distinctive features, although there are common features

Business success analysis: How business analytics optimizes companies

How can business analytics help companies of different industries and sizes? What types of business problems does business analytics solve? How is business intelligence different from business analysis and what is their role in the development of companies? Business analytics is not just working with data, but a whole range of processes and methods aimed

From idea to implementation: How to become a web developer and what does he do?

10 ways to increase motivation when learning a foreign language

Why study foreign languages: 7 convincing arguments

Who is a targetologist

The Internet remains one of the most popular and sought-after sources of information in the world. According to statistics, people spend an average of about 6 hours a day in the online world, and the platform provides opportunities for selling goods and services, obtaining education, enjoying art, and socializing. At the same time, advertising plays