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Where is Python used? 10 Practical Uses of Python

Несмотря на то, что Python начинался как хобби-проект, названный в честь Монти Пайтона, сейчас это один из самых популярных и распространенных языков программирования в мире. Кроме веб-разработки и разработки программного обеспечения, Python используется для анализа данных, машинного обучения и даже дизайна. Мы подробнее рассмотрим некоторые способы использования Python, а также почему это такой популярный и

 6 resources for learning blockchain: a selection of books and video courses

Blockchain is a technology that not even all IT specialists understand. At the same time, she is on everyone’s lips. Do you want to not only catch familiar words, but also understand more deeply or even start building a career in blockchain?  Ethereum The Ethereum cryptocurrency and decentralized application platform website contains a lot of

Password hashing: How to keep your database secure.

Hash algorithms are one-way functions. They take any string and turn it into a fixed-length fingerprint that cannot be reversed. This means that if your data in your database is compromised, a hacker will not be able to obtain user passwords if they have been well hashed.  Websites using hashing typically have a workflow like

Databases step by step guide how and why to learn

5 main trends in the global labor market

The post-pandemic crisis has not only reduced employment levels around the world, but has also significantly altered international labor markets. Experts identify five main trends in supply and demand that have occurred as a result of this change. Propagation of remote work In 2020, many employers were forced to transfer their employees to remote work