Data science

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Data Science: Top 8 Tools to Improve Your Data Science

Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python, Joel Grus 2019 Re-release, updated for Python 3.6. The author is an AI researcher at the Allen Institute for AI and a former Google engineer. This book covers the basics of linear algebra, statistics, and probability and how and when they are used in data science with

8 books for programmers, improve technical and soft skills

We have collected literature in one collection for both beginners in IT and experienced programmers, which will help to improve the base, expand knowledge in the field of mathematics and ML, teach you how to pass interviews and “survive” in the office. Computer Science Distilled: Learn the Art of Solving Computational Problems A short and

Top 5 Python Books for Beginners

1. Mark Lutz “Learning Python” Many experienced developers recommend starting to learn Python with this book, as it contains information that gives the most complete understanding of both the language and programming in general. Answers not only the question  “how?”, but also “why?”. Advantages: 2. Eric Mathiz “Learning Python. Game programming, data visualization, web applications

The role of business analytics in increasing company efficiency: main tasks and advantages

Business analytics is an integral part of business planning, development and control in any company. Today, many organizations understand that in order to make the right management decisions it is necessary to have a high-quality analytical base. Business analysts professionally work with large amounts of data, understand it and analyze it to answer questions related

Why are operators useful?

Why do some developers love operators so much? For mathematicians, operators are important to their thinking. Take a simple operation, like adding two numbers, and try to learn some of its behavior.    Equation (1) expresses the law that addition is commutative. This is usually written using the operator, making it more concise:    This

Business success analysis: How business analytics optimizes companies

How can business analytics help companies of different industries and sizes? What types of business problems does business analytics solve? How is business intelligence different from business analysis and what is their role in the development of companies? Business analytics is not just working with data, but a whole range of processes and methods aimed

10 most popular programming languages according to GitHub

According to GitHub’s annual State of the Octoverse report , 2020 was an unusual year that changed the way many developers work. Since GitHub was founded in 2008 and acquired by Microsoft in 2018, it has become the largest source code repository in the world, connecting more than 56 million developers worldwide. Its scope allows it to track

Where is Python used? 10 Practical Uses of Python

Несмотря на то, что Python начинался как хобби-проект, названный в честь Монти Пайтона, сейчас это один из самых популярных и распространенных языков программирования в мире. Кроме веб-разработки и разработки программного обеспечения, Python используется для анализа данных, машинного обучения и даже дизайна. Мы подробнее рассмотрим некоторые способы использования Python, а также почему это такой популярный и

 6 resources for learning blockchain: a selection of books and video courses

Blockchain is a technology that not even all IT specialists understand. At the same time, she is on everyone’s lips. Do you want to not only catch familiar words, but also understand more deeply or even start building a career in blockchain?  Ethereum The Ethereum cryptocurrency and decentralized application platform website contains a lot of